A hand clamps down on my shoulder from behind

Spinning round

A stranger looms over me

He says, “Your skin’s so soft,” as

His fingertips stroke the top of my hand

Unnerved I stare


He is shocked to see a dog in my bag

I am shocked by the dog in his eyes

There is no God there


What’s the dog’s name? What is your name?

What’s in a name?

You’ll never know

Go away,  go away


But he leans in and kisses my cheek

I want to cry but I am tough

He looks awkward, lost

Go now, go now


I cannot give you my dog, my purse

My heart or my name

The bus comes


We vanish like thieves in the night




The lion roars in a heartbreaking lament

Calling for his mother at days end

The sunset envelops the horizon in a wash of shocking pink,

Firey orange, Technicolor red and violet


There is no sky only heaven showing itself

For a brief moment


The lion calls out with such longing

as trees dance up towards God’s watercolor

The lion’s plea I understand as

I cry out for my mother deep within my soul


Can our mother’s hear us I wonder?

The sky is now ablaze, it’s beautiful,

Beautiful enough to stop my heart

I cry for the lion

We all know longing, we all know longing

The night descends



Like Chagall’s peasants you lived in the air in the corner of the ceiling

Up above the piano near the front porch windows


You were seated with us at the kitchen table

Or at the stove cooking

Or on the sofa watching the TV

Or paying bills at the dining room table


But you really never left that corner where you drifted away from us

Your daughter, your husband, your son

But you did it so well, with a smile

With your homemade chocolate cake


Or packed lunches of fried chicken

Or badges sewn onto my Girl Scout sash

Or hanging up a perfectly pressed dress shirt

But it was a distraction to keep us from seeing

That you were never really there


You were in some other life, some other place

deep inside yourself that you would not share

Such as incredible feat to fool us all

A magician, a sorcereress, making us believe that you cared


Such a difficult act to be a ten-year-old girl

Still waiting for her father to come home

Though he never will


A broken child; everyday life was too much for you

And none of us could pull you down to earth

Get you to put your feet on the ground


Hands bloodied, hearts broken

Your gravity defying act defeated us all

If only you could have loved us

Maybe you would not have missed him so


I could have made a lasso of my tears and

Thrown it around you and pulled you down to earth


Instead my tears only washed my feet

running down the drain to feed an ocean filled with child’s sorrows

Or perhaps I could have made a painting

Of you descending to earth, defying Chagall’s rules


Come down now even though the ceiling is infinity and stardust

And I can be the one to make you a chocolate cake



Enough is Enough – Bringing Sexual Assault into the Light

Enough is Enough


Bringing Sexual Assault Into The Light

Abject abuse of power by men has been tolerated and encouraged by the corporate and institutional structures on America since its founding.  And nowhere is the abuse more outrageous than in the sexual abuse of women and men by men who have perceived power over them across all swaths of our culture.

We cannot continue this blind-eyed approach and evolve and improve our society and culture without destroying what we were raised to hold dear; compassion, mutual respect and fairness.

I am taking a stand for a better world, giving a voice to all the girls and boys and men and women who cannot – either through fear or inability to name their attacker.  To the man who sexually assaulted me in an office during a business meeting I say to you, your office is not a private brothel.  By turning meetings with professional women – who have trained and studied and apprenticed and poured years of their lives into being the best producer, writer, actress, director – into your sexual poaching ground to play out your own power games is a total betrayal of trust, decorum and anything resembling appropriate behavior.   I wonder how you would feel if you daughter came to you traumatized and sobbing with a tale of being attacked during a business meeting the way you attacked me.  What you would say to her? Would you tell her to “Shut up and get over it?” or “Hey, men are men, grow up?”  

You are an embarrassment to our industry and an embarrassment to all of the amazing and good men in our business who respect their female colleagues, who are friends with the women they work with, who know personal boundaries and have a deep sense of morality and right and wrong.   You are the minority, but you are a poison that can seep into the culture and infect the workplace and turn a vibrant, creative organization into a cesspool infected with secret, violent abuse.

It is time for you to go, to be taken from your perch and dropped into the thorny bed of your own making.  There is no place for you in our moral society the one people teach their children about when they are small.   No more are women and men going to be silent.  The subject of abuse and sexual abuse has to come out of the dark and into the light.  That is how we as a society and a world become better, that is how we give our children and grandchildren a more just life.  I don’t think any parent would want their son or daughter sexually assaulted in their church or school or locker room or place of work.  Only by exposing assault can we stop it and send a loud message to those who carry out assault in the corners of their dark worlds that they will be brought into the light and dealt with by society – NOW.  Enough is enough.


An Ode To Changing Times – “Cat Calling” a poem

Things I See

In the New York Times

April 2014

Cat Calling

fearless girl.jpg

It is time we pasted it up all over the place

I am not here for you

I am not your fantasy

I am not your property

I am not a body for you to abuse


It is time we posted it in the schools


Government buildings,



Department Stores

And Costco

And Walmart

And well




You with the big rude mouth,

Who taught you to call out “Your

Ass is too big for me to fuck.”

“I bet you Asian girls take it any way I give it.”

“Hey baby, I bet you like it hard and nasty.”

“She looks like a virgin but I bet she ain’t.”


Who raised you?   What made you the senseless,

Selfish, twisted man who

Only knows how to demean women?


Who didn’t love you? Who taught you that

Women were nothin’? Who taught you

That you were nothin’?


You can’t grab my ass in an elevator

You can’t put your arms around

Me in a smothering grip because

I’m standing next to you

“Hey baby…?” I’ll hey baby

you and say, my body is my body

it is not your property, not ever


Don’t call me bossy because I know my mind,

You’re decisive

Don’t call me bitch when I disagree

You’re smart

Don’t call me vain when I dress nice

You’re groomed

Too bad you don’t like me

Too bad you can’t take the time to

Know who I am, because then you’d have to know


And that might freak you out

But I won’t give up.


We gotta start all over, don’t we.

We have to post it all over America,

All over South America, in Asia

In the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Australia, Russia,

Europe, Africa and the United Kingdom


I am a woman. I am a person just like you

I will use my paste and my

Art and my voice and

Let you know that I see you

That I know you don’t see me

I will teach you to see me

To see all women

But if I ask that of you

I must see you too


How do we reach out?

How do you take my hand?

How does this end?


An ode to Ruth Bader Ginsberg

In honor of Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s new documentary I’m putting up a poem I wrote about her in 2015!   Enjoy…

Things I See – Women

February 21, 2015, in the NYTimes

By J. Dulin Jones ® feb. 2015

Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 11.56.46 AM.png


A Rap-sody

Tell your mothers, tell your sisters,

Tell your Aunts and your misters

Ain’t no little cutsie granny comin’

Down the Su-preme hall

It’s our Notorious RBG

Glasses, robe and all


Tell your brothers, Tell your husbands

tell your men friends and your ex-ones

That’s some badass judgement lady

Sitting on the nations court

It’s our Notorious RBG

Opinions, hope and torts


Who this lady?   Who this Ruthie?

Ruthie BG, big and tough…

What she doin’? Who she slewin’?

Bests the big boys sure e’nuff

Ruthie BG, she’s our hero,

5 foot nothin’ and she don’t bluff

Brains like Hawking, soul of angels

Makes us strive for better stuff


Love you Ruthie, Love your strength

Love you teach girls everywhere

Tell ’em straight, tell em’ truthful

The world’s your oyster if you dare


Find your own path, keep upon it,

Family and children are also on it

If you want it, keep your focus

Never doubt and never quit

Pull that heart from deep inside you

Feel it feed you every bit

As you take this road less taken,

But more taken now because

Ruthie BG, she the leader

Leading sisters to march on


Take the mantle, put it on

Race the halls of ivy proud

Show the menfolk, still enraptured

Of their man folk, that sisters women

Are endowed

With hearts and minds that see far

(And wide)

Grab the issues with all their might

Keep us free and keep us safe

Keep women and children in the light

Bring men and women folk together

In a song of unity

Oh Rebel Ruthie, Ruthie BG

You’re so notorious

Cause you so free.


Ruthie, Oh Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Thanks for saving liberty.

A Momentary Pause on Writing to Reflect on the Violence in America

What do we do?


My dad fought for over two-and-a-half years in intolerable conditions, flew against the enemy over and over to end this kind of insanity for good! “We fought to end all war, forever.” He often told me. As he got older he used to say, “If we don’t love each other, we’re doomed.” You were right, dad. We cannot let the sacrifices from the past of our forefathers and mothers be erradicated by this new insanity. All those American men and women who fought and died, and all the men and women who fought and died all over the world in WWII fought and died to make a much better world for us. That is our job, make it better for us and the generations behind us by loving each other and upholding the Constitution we hold so dear – and that has to be taught. I don’t have all the answers for what is happening right now, but it won’t be in war, we have to use our 3 amazingly designed branches of government, have unity in our political parties – (that means and end to infighting within the parties and organizing under the principle that We are all Americans, all of us, color, race, creed and make policy that looks after us, not special interests and lobbyist’s clients) – and have a President who understands the role of the office and their duty to America’s people. The Facisits of this “Nazi” movement – for let us call the group what it is, for the term “Alt-Right” insults everyone’s intelligence – But this kind of twisted thinking comes from ignorance and want – that is what we are really fighting here because ignorance and want create fear and misunderstanding. When people can’t get medical care of feed themselves or their families or find a job and they don’t have the emotional tools and educational skills to manage they meltdown. Look, in our country so many educated and emotionally strong people are struggling, so we have a duty to find out what is making people act out – people have to start talking even if they think they “Hate” each other. You can’t fix or change everyone, but we all have to start pulling together. We cannot devolve to fighting and killing each other, we are better than that, much better. If you want to help turn the tide, see where the hate is festering and see what it is the people really need and those who insist on violence – there’s jail, serious community service…I don’t have all the answers, not by a long shot, but hate speech, yelling, threatening with guns and violence…that I do know is not the answer.

Look at the map, do you live in one of these areas?   Can you do out reach?   Can we build bridges?  We are Americans.   We are all united by our love of democracy.


Adaptations – Movies to learn the craft – our first list

Some ideas to inspire on Adapting source material for a film. Films for thought – Silent and Sound

Silent Film Adaptations still available

September List:

Phantom of the Opera (1925)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  (1923)

Sadie Thompson (Rain) –   1928

Mother (Gorky 1905 Russian Revolution) – 1926

August List:

A Christmas Carol – 1910 

Alice in Wonderland – 1903

Cinderella – 1899

Nosferatu – 1922

May List:

The Scarlet Letter (1926)

Oliver Twist    (1922)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin  (1927)

The Bells  (1926)

Ben Hur   (1907)

Cyrano (1925)

Peter Pan (1924)

20,000 Leagues (1916)

Wizard Of Oz (1910/1925)

Faust (1926)

Film Adaptations – Some Great Ones

September List:

Age of Innocence

Dr. Zhivago

The Big Sleep

Silence of the Lambs

Moby Dick (1956)


Empire of the Sun

Gunga Din

Henry V (1989)

August List:

One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest

Silence of the Lambs

Apocalypse Now

Blade Runner

Doctor Zhivago

Stand By Me

May List:

The Godfather

All The President’s Men (non-fiction)


Howard’s End

The English Patient

Philadelphia Story/Holiday

David Copperfield (David Lean version)


Henry V (Branagh and Olivier versions)

The Right Stuff (non-fiction)


Gunga Din (Wyler version)

Unbearable Lightness of Being

Death of A Salesman

To Kill A Mockingbird

In Cold Blood (non-fiction)

Midnight Cowboy

The Women

Shawshank Redemption

Adaptations that are updated

Clueless – Emma

Tailor of Panama – Our Man in Havana

Bridget Jones – Pride & Prejudice

Romeo & Juliet – Baz Luhrmann / Zeferelli, classic



My dream now: Budd Schulberg and Paddy Chayefsky come back to earth to collaborate and create a new masterpiece, “A FACE IN THE NETWORK!” Where Ivanka Trump pushes the button at the end of “The Donald On The Road” Tv show as a bloviating The Donald, spews venom among his rap team headed by Kanye West as cameras roll. The Donald, thinking the mic is “dead” rants with giddy delight: BELOW A POSSIBLE CHAYEFSKY/SCHULBERG SCENARIO. Enjoy.
The Donald
Night suckers….they’re like putty in my hand.
No The Donald, they’re my suckers.
The Donald
Kanye, my man, shut up and let me do the talking and the thinking. You’re so dense you tweeted for a loan from Zuckerberg.
Hell man, you should be tweeting for a loan. Your sorry ass is broke.
THe Donald
Nah, look at those boobs out there in the audience screaming and cheering me! They’re sending in millions! A hundred here and there from their pensions, money they steal from their grandmas sending it to me, cause I’m their saviour.
Ivanka looks on in horror from the control booth. She SUDDENLY sees her father for who he is, a greedy, arrogant narcissist! Disgusted she reaches down and turns on the mic. Suddenly the studio audience is awash in the yammering of The Donald.
The Donald
And soon they’ll be living in their cars and on the streets to finance me and my Emperor-ship!
Emperor? Man that’s bogus, you’d be President, dude.
The Donald
Nah, that’s just to get in! Once I’ve got my hand on the button, they’re gonna anoint me Emperor of The Americas!
Ivanka turns up the volume as she sobs. Trump’s men try to wrest her away, but she nails them in the balls with her six inch stilettos!
The audience, homes across America, bars, street corners as Americans react in stunned terror at the words coming from Trump. He is a monster after all!
In the studio:
The audience rises in a wave and storms the stage. Kanye, sensing imminent doom, runs into the wings and locks himself in the bathroom.
Ivanka falls over the console is giddy tears.
The Donald looks on in horror. He cannot stop the mob! The descend upon him!
In the melee it takes security guards ages to pull back the crowd.
On the stage floor
All that’s left of The Donald is his hair!

We Are Happy Now…#1


father’s day

19 June 2016-jdj

mom and dad weddingpoem


The Pond –

You are still so young in this place in my mind

I am younger still, hardly a person, caught in

the faerie mind of the newly born and toddler

not at all concerned about any of those things that

will clog my mind as an adult, things

That at the end of the day were useless to take up

Space in my mind and heart and soul

That I am learning now…learning late, but learning


So there you are; young and strong and friendly

You are my father and I love watching you do anything

I am four-years-old and you must be forty or forty-one

Never mind that, you are digging a hole in our large and perfect

Backyard, and as you dig you tell me of your childhood

The sad childhood of the foster child who lives on

A farm in Glen Allen, Virginia during the depression,

Yet in that sad childhood you romped in the countryside and

Swam in a pond and to reinforce that memory of yours you are

Making a pond for me and my brother but not for swimming

But to send small wooden boats that you have made for us skimming

Across the water. Someday you say we will have a swimming pool

And be in the water all of the time. You kept that promise too

But today I sit on something, I cannot see it in my mind’s eye

and I sit and study you, watch you dig and listen to your

Stories of the sad boy in Virginia, but you don’t tell

Them sad, you are matter-of-fact and very calm and don’t

Leave out any detail. It is easy to listen to you with

Your very soft Continental voice with a hint, just a hint of

Southern gentleman

And you dig and I listen and the sun shines down on us

In this perfect Southern California day

I drink a 7UP and my feet dangle, I remember that

Always, and as you dig and I drink and the sun shines

down in perfect pre-Ozone fearing brilliance I tell you

That some day I am going to live in New York City

And you, being a good listener and charmed by anything

Your adored four-year-old girl says, nod and say that

will be nice Jan. I tell you that I will dance like the men and women

In the old movies I love to watch on afternoon television;

Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly are the forces who have captured

My imagination. You keep digging and tell me

about when you used to take my mother dancing. And I drink my

7 UP and you dig and the sun shines

and I understand

We are happy now