A Girl’s Guide to Being a Slave to Cinema

To those women and men who want to still go to the movies and see — GASP — a movie.  Storyteller is an independent film company started by a woman writer/producer who decided that she could either bitch and moan about the state of film in 2011 — see recent articles by Anthony Lane in The New Yorker and a  post by Roger Ebert lamenting the death of going to the movies — or do something about it.  So she set out to write and produce good movies that were also movies that would put butts in seats.  The other part of the equation was to create an environment for the creative teams to not be burdened down by corporate executives with too much time and not enough experience to really be telling professionals how to do their jobs –thus the decision to be an independent producer.   So there you have it.  We’ll be posting updates on Storyteller projects and blog on the various and sundry hills and valleys we find ourselves on along the way.  We also want to hear from moviegoers and cinephiles and other professionals on their experiences in the changing world of cinema in the “Newish” Millennium.  In addition we’ll also be sharing articles and making our friends aware of films they might be interested in making the trek to their neighborhood cinema or multi-plex to see up close and personal.  While downloading films is great when you’re on the road, and getting that Netfilx packet makes you feel like someone out there sends you something in the post, there is nothing quite like going out to the movies and letting the lights go down — unless you’re in a major urban center where you may have to bean a texting moron with your popcorn.  But then think of the satisfaction.