
People I See


Thoughts on Paula Deen


As a child of families with all their ties in the south, the revelations about Paula Deen, to me, reflect one of the things that is at the heart of the great divide in our country. 




Sugha’ is sweet and so are you

Or so we thought


Honey poured out of your Sourthern Comfort

Mouth and everyone drank it up

Queen of all things fatty, sweet,

Dripping in batter,

Fried up in Crisco and bacon fat

So thick it was

A heart attack on a plate,

In a dish, on a platter

Just waiting for us to

Eat it up


And how could we not?

We sugar, fatty, salty addicts

Of humanity?  Yummmmy!

Yummmmy!  Yummmmy!
You knew the real path to

Our most delighted, childish selves,

That little one who lives

Right there in the brain,

Right next to the

Dopamine and seratonin and


That little part of the brain that

Makes us all go

Brain dead in a sugar, fat

Salt overload of bliss

And we want it again

And again, and again



And you whip up dish after dish after

Dish to get us to lick it up

Lick you up

All the way to the bank

All the way to the private jets, and

Best seller lists and daytime tv


And butter wouldn’t melt in your

Mouth you were just so perfect

In your big haired, spider-eyed mascara’d lashes,

Big  blouses, big pink lips

Telling us.


Oppps, lies?

From SUgha? Honey, Sweetie?


There were other things behind

The bacon wrapped sandwiches and

Peanut butter laden brownies and

Karo syrup cakes,

Yep, there was

A Southern Belle who was

Deeply wishing and really living

That ol’ antebellum dream

You know the one,

With big plantations and lots

Of nice black folks working the

Land and in the house

To make life sweet as,



That driver of yours is black

How black did you say he was? 

Sugha?   And didn’t you used to

Used a word, that “N” word

Over and over just ’cause well

Heck folks used it all the time

Where you came from?


Where is that you came from,  Dixie?  Oh

I see, I get it, we all get,


We’re still fighting that darn war aren’t we?

You know the one,

We know the one,

Some folks called it the great rebellion

But it’s pretty much known to

Most folks as


The Civil War


But maybe you missed your lessons in

School that day,


And maybe you missed the day where

They talked about

Civil rights

And 1964

And Martin Luther King

And you definitely missed

The day when they talked about

Oh, tolerance,






Oh, Sugah,

For one soooo sweet

Yo’ sho’ is

Not so tasty, not so nice

In fact biting into

Your world

One gets a big mouthful

O’ bitter n’ nasty


You best get your mouth

Washed out,

And your mind and heart

Done too,  While you’re at it

You want to be sweet

But you ain’t

You ain’t even close

To being



Nuff said….



June 2013