I Forgot to Remember – A Poem


A spring day in May on Primrose Hill

2015 jdj


The chestnut tree so bleak and weary through the winter

Is suddenly transformed overnight

Awash with shimmering green leaves and piles

Of bright white whipped cream cones of flowers tipped with

So many bright red cherry flowers,

looking like an ice cream sundae,

Dance on your boughs in stunning beauty and grace

Like hundreds of white angels singing peacefully

Miss Hawthorn so cold and cruel and sharp in winter’s light

Softens and smiles with new growth that hides her bite

Under millions of shocking pink buds that give shelter

To the robin building her nest deep inside her heart

I forgot to remember the chestnut’s poetry, the

Hawthorns beauty

Beneath the sudden canopy of the sycamore are

The dancing dolls of Queen Annes lace

They come up to our waist and gently touch us

With flowers intertwined in a weave of magic,

a sea of white floats around us

and we are moving in clouds

And undernearth my feet I stop and kneel to

See the tiny wild violet’s sweet flower reach up

From the green to greet the summer with

An innocence of being that is pure and beautiful

Winking at us to stop and enjoy her small elegance

I forgot to remember the clouds of Queen Annes lace

And the purity of the violet

Too soon you give way to nature’s progress and

Leave us with a memory that winter works so hard

To erase

But I will forget to forget and remember,

I will remember not to forget to remember,

Every burst of spring on the hill

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