Writing A TV Pilot – The Hard Stuff – First Thoughts

Brooklyn bridge

Today I am looking at the pilot script for  a TV series I have created.  It started life as a 20 page story, that soon became a 95 page 90 minute premise pilot that I worked on with my friend, mentor and colleague, Scott Winant.  Along the way we found kindred spirits in Mike Newell and Nicky Weinstock, Ben Stiller and Stuart Cornfeld.  I realize that I have found myself in terrific and supportive company, the company of men who like women.  They do exist in the business.   Years into this process we now have a 55 page script, a first season bible, and so many drafts on my computer hard drive it is humbling.  Soon we will be taking this beautiful piece out to the market.  I don’t know that I have worked harder and more focused as a writer.  The process of taking an idea and honing into a truly clean, sharp, and dramatic one hour drama is a humbling and exciting process.   I will write about it in the days to come.  Often we writers don’t comment on the strange and silent road; the hours alone, the months of work thrown out, the unique process of this deep and intrusive, yet necessary collaboration.  I don’t think I would trade it for anything.