A Momentary Pause on Writing to Reflect on the Violence in America

What do we do?


My dad fought for over two-and-a-half years in intolerable conditions, flew against the enemy over and over to end this kind of insanity for good! “We fought to end all war, forever.” He often told me. As he got older he used to say, “If we don’t love each other, we’re doomed.” You were right, dad. We cannot let the sacrifices from the past of our forefathers and mothers be erradicated by this new insanity. All those American men and women who fought and died, and all the men and women who fought and died all over the world in WWII fought and died to make a much better world for us. That is our job, make it better for us and the generations behind us by loving each other and upholding the Constitution we hold so dear – and that has to be taught. I don’t have all the answers for what is happening right now, but it won’t be in war, we have to use our 3 amazingly designed branches of government, have unity in our political parties – (that means and end to infighting within the parties and organizing under the principle that We are all Americans, all of us, color, race, creed and make policy that looks after us, not special interests and lobbyist’s clients) – and have a President who understands the role of the office and their duty to America’s people. The Facisits of this “Nazi” movement – for let us call the group what it is, for the term “Alt-Right” insults everyone’s intelligence – But this kind of twisted thinking comes from ignorance and want – that is what we are really fighting here because ignorance and want create fear and misunderstanding. When people can’t get medical care of feed themselves or their families or find a job and they don’t have the emotional tools and educational skills to manage they meltdown. Look, in our country so many educated and emotionally strong people are struggling, so we have a duty to find out what is making people act out – people have to start talking even if they think they “Hate” each other. You can’t fix or change everyone, but we all have to start pulling together. We cannot devolve to fighting and killing each other, we are better than that, much better. If you want to help turn the tide, see where the hate is festering and see what it is the people really need and those who insist on violence – there’s jail, serious community service…I don’t have all the answers, not by a long shot, but hate speech, yelling, threatening with guns and violence…that I do know is not the answer.

Look at the map, do you live in one of these areas?   Can you do out reach?   Can we build bridges?  We are Americans.   We are all united by our love of democracy.

