

Janet Dulin Jones
Writer – Producer

Janet Dulin Jones has written screenplays for Paramount, Sony, Disney/Tuochstone and Twentieth Century Fox. Diane Keaton is starring in and producing with Miss Jones, “Kicks”. Her original screenplay, “The Last Romantics” is being produced in London with producers; Jane Wright and Jane Goldenring; Rachel Weisz is set to star.

Her TV pilot, “Gramercy Park”, a drama set in the world of New York’s robber barons of the 1890’s, is being done with directors Mike Newell, Scott Winant and producer Nicky Weinstock with Ben Stiller and Stuart Conrefeld of Red Hour Films.

Other screenplays include; “Map of the World”, for Paramount Studios, Kennedy-Marshall productions; starring Sigourney Weaver and Julianne Moore. She recently finished “Freedom”, a project about Thomas Paine developed as a limited series. Her adaptation of Henry James’s, “The Ambassadors” is with producers Philippe Carcassonne and Nicky Weinstock for a French-US co-production.

“What if God Were the Sun,” written for Twentieth-Century Fox and Lifetime was nominated for a 2008 Emmy, Golden Globe and a SAG Award for the lead actress, Gena Rowlands.

Her new play, “Even”, is being produced by Douglas McJannet & Sam Julyan’s Arden Entertainment, with director Gerald Garutti February 2017. It is also being produced in Paris. She is currently writing, “Trinitas”, a new play about international human trafficking and was developed with director Tamara Harvey.
She was a Nicholl Award finalist for screenwriting from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science for her original screenplay “A Tale of Charles Dickens” and is a member of the WGA, west. She was a participant in the prestigous Autumn Stories Writer-in-Resdience program in Paris along with Frank Pierson and Kasi Lemmons in October 2010.

She serves on the board of the Young Filmmaker’s Academy and is writer-in-residence for The Antaeus Theatre Company in Los Angeles. She has guest lectured and run workshops for; The Celtic Media Festival in Galway, Ireland, The Old Vic writers program, the Boston University’s Writer’s Pitch Program in Los Angeles, California State University Long Beach. She consults on screenplays and works with filmmakers as a script editor.

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